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Gale Directory Library

The Gale Directory Library hosts a variety of directories. Use it to search, sort and export a variety of information such as financial information for companies, membership figures for associations, education-related financial aid and scholarships, and much more.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Gale OneFile Health and Medicine

Contains full-text nursing and allied health journals, as well as personal health information resources, for high school and college level students.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Gale Virtual Reference Library (Gale Ebooks) is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Gateway to North America Logo

A collection of historical directories, member lists, and other name-rich sources, focusing on New York City during the long 19th century.  Documents are fully text-searchable and originate from the print collection of the New-York Historical Society. Other categories of documents include maps, illustrated advertisements, burial lists, and gazetteers.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Greenfile Logo

GreenFILE provides scholarly, government and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.